Bathroom Remodeling
Have a bathroom redesign you’re planning? Allow Andrea Langford Designs to take care of your needs with our complete bathroom remodeling service.
If this is your first remodeling project, allow us to share a little more about our process so you feel more comfortable about hiring an interior designer company like us. Don’t worry; the process couldn’t be easier!
Detailed Remodeling Design Agreement
The most important first step is setting up a bathroom design agreement that is transparent and detailed so you fully understand everything we’ll do, without any false expectations. Your bathroom design service begins as soon as all parties have properly communicated the details of this project from beginning to end.
Bathroom Remodeling Interview & Assessment
Next, we interview you to understand your needs, wishes and uses of the new bathroom space. Then if applicable, we survey your existing bath as best as we can for any potential limitations associated with space and function.
We aim to prepare you for any obstacles that may inhibit or prevent the bathroom design you envision, because there’s nothing more disheartening for a client than to be promised a particular bath scheme, only to be forced to compromise.
We also assist you regarding ‘aging in place’ design principles that allow one to live in one’s own home safely, independently and comfortably, regardless of that resident’s age or ability level, multi-generational use and sustainable design.
Drafting Your New Bathroom’s Blueprint
Then we take professional measurements and make a detailed outline prednisone of your bath space, including all elevations. We also prepare all of the documents of what we supply that are necessary to guide your contractor. This is the blueprinting stage of the process.
Your Bathroom’s Essentials
Andrea Langford Designs can design your bathroom cabinetry to fit your specific needs, bathroom space, and purpose. In addition, we will also give industry-informed recommendations for purchasing bathroom appliances and related fixtures, such as:
- Bathtubs
- Sinks, Toilets & Bidets
- Faucets
- Tile
- Flooring
- Cabinet Hardware (such as handles, inserts, etc.)
- Counter Surfaces
- Bathroom Lighting
- Have you established a budget?
- Will this be a long-term investment?
- Do you wish to work within the existing footprint or do you plan to change the size of the space?
- Do you want to relocate the bath fixtures?
- Is there sufficient lighting/ do you want to install additional lighting?
- Is there adequate ventilation?
- What is your heating source? Do you want to change it or augment it?
- Do you wish to remodel the bath to accommodate current physical limitations, e.g. adding grab bars in the tub area, changing the height of the vanity, widening the door frame, etc.?
- Should you consider changes that will provide a functional bath for you as you or your family grow older.
- Do you need additional storage?
- Do you want a separate tub and shower?
- Separate area for the toilet?
- Do you want more than one sink?
Starting Checklist (Download)
Here is a list of some things to consider as you start to think about remodeling your bath:
As with kitchens, remodeling your bathroom can be a complicated task. Space -– or lack thereof –- is often an issue, particularly in older homes. Your home’s existing design may require substantial updating of plumbing and electrical connections in order to conform to current building codes. You also may need tadalafil to knock down interior walls in order to enlarge your bath. This can be particularly challenging if the bathroom you desire is the only full bath in your home.
So allow Andrea Langford Designs to assist you. We are here for you to make the process as organized and effortless as possible. Check out our kitchen and bathroom galleries to let our work to speak for itself.
Contact us today to discuss your future project further. We are based in upstate NY and regularly provide our services to the Capital Region and beyond.